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    Calatheas Make a Bold Statement in Your Home

    Calatheas are not fans of having their roots touched, so repotting is only necessary when they’re outgrowing their current pot. Select a slightly larger pool and be gentle when transplanting to reduce the risk of shock.

    Why You Should Keep Calathea as a House Plant - Garden and Plant Care

    Avoid chilly temperatures and draughts, and aim for 60% humidity levels. Regular misting will help to improvise this if needed.


    Known for its beautiful foliage, this plant is a botanical wonder that adds impact to your home. The round-leaf calathea is native to rainforests of Brazil and prefers medium indirect light conditions. Its large leaves can reach up to 12 inches wide and 3 feet tall in ideal growth conditions. Its dramatic striped pattern and silvery-green hues enhance any space.

    Like other tropical plants, calatheas are prone to fungus and insect infestations. Look out for curling leaf tips and brown scorch marks that indicate your calathea is getting too much direct sunlight (it prefers less). Regularly dusting its leaves helps prevent clogged pores from impeding light-capturing efficiency and encourages lush growth.

    Watering and humidity are critical to calatheas. A drooping Ollie indicates he needs a drink. He prefers consistently moist soil but not soggy. A good rule of thumb is to water when the top inch or so of the soil feels dry to the touch. Use a pot with drainage holes and a well-draining soil mix that typically includes ingredients such as perlite, bark, or coco coir.

    A light monthly fertilizer is a must for your calathea. However, remember that too much fertilizer can burn the plant’s roots. To avoid this, flush the soil with water daily to wash away excess minerals. Also, follow your calathea’s specific feeding instructions when using an organic houseplant feed.


    Goeppertia is a striking houseplant that makes a bold statement in any room. Its luscious green leaves feature silver brushmarks on top and a burgundy-purple underside, and each leaf is a living work of art. Smaller specimens make excellent table plants, while larger ones look gorgeous as floor plants or on low plant stands. Goeppertia is also easy to propagate, as it thrives in tropical climates and readily forms roots from clippings.

    Unlike many houseplants, Goeppertia doesn’t need bright sunlight to grow well, but it does require filtered light and a high level of humidity. A mixture of peat moss, perlite, and compost is ideal for increasing Goeppertia. The soil should be kept consistently moist but not waterlogged, and regular misting with a humidifier or the use of a humidity tray can help to provide a more humid environment.

    The best way to grow Goeppertia is in a large pot with rich, nutrient-dense soil. The plant is a slow grower, but it can eventually reach 3 feet in height. It is often trimmed and used as a centerpiece or accent plant in indoor gardens, tropical landscapes, and botanical displays. Similarly to Prayer Plants, Goeppertia can move its leaves in response to changes in temperature and light, which gives it an eye-catching, dance-like appearance! These movements make it a popular choice for adding visual interest to home and office interiors.

    Large Calathea

    The large calathea has big round leaves with white striping, giving it an airy tropical feel. It can grow tall and wide in a year or two when conditions are right.

    This plant does well in medium indirect light, but don’t put it in the bright sun where the leaves can scorch. A north-facing window is good, or a west-facing window lets in dappled light during the day.

    A bit of leaf drooping during the day is normal for clothes, but persistent drooping indicates the plant lacks water or humidity. A room humidifier can help with the latter, as can regular dusting to keep the pores of the leaves clear and able to absorb more light.

    While a calathea is pretty resilient and can go a long time without being repotted, it does better when it is. Find a pot one size up (it doesn’t like to be rootbound) and fill it with fresh potting soil. During the repotting process, gently ease out the mother plant and carefully separate a tuber with at least one leaf and a few roots. Repot in a new pot and mist the plant daily.

    The best time to propagate a calathea is during spring when it will be ready to grow new tubers and roots. You can also divide a calathea during repotting in the fall, but this is riskier since the plant is already stressed by being moved.

    XL 4

    The XL 4 (Geoppertia orbifolia) is a striking tropical houseplant popular choice for those seeking bold statement foliage. With oversized leaves striped with silver, the XL 4 is an eye-catching piece of greenery that thrives in medium light and humidity. While it’s not the best option for novice plant lovers, the XL 4 is relatively easy to care for with some basic tips.

    This calathea prefers well-draining, slightly acidic soil. A mix of potting soil, peat, and perlite works well. It also loves moisture, but it’s important to avoid waterlogging as this can lead to root rot. It’s a good idea to fertilize your calathea every two or three weeks during the growing season, but wait until it has cooled down.

    As it grows, the XL 4 may require occasional trimming of dead leaves and stems to promote healthy growth. You can snip the leaves above the soil line with clean pruning shears or scissors. Always use sharp and clean shears to reduce the risk of fungal disease transfer.

    The XL 4 is a fast-growing variety of calathea that can reach up to 2 feet tall and 12 inches wide. This calathea is native to Bolivia and enjoys humid and tropical environments that mimic the South American rainforests. Its broad, round leaves are light green with silvery-green stripes. The flowers of XL 4 are white and shaped like stars, but they rarely bloom as a houseplant.


    The alocasia plant, or elephant’s ear, is a large houseplant known for its gorgeously patterned leaves. They can be plain or striped and may have crinkled leaf edges, as well. This tropical foliage is grown primarily for its ornamental value, and it can add color to your home year-round. It is easy to care for, but it does require bright indirect light and high humidity to thrive.

    Alocasia plants must be repotted once a year or more often if the soil becomes too tight around the roots. Choose a pot that is 2,5 untill 5 cm larger in diameter and make sure it has drainage holes. Gently remove the plant from its current container, and use a potting mix that retains moisture but drains easily. Water thoroughly after repotting.

    While alocasia is an easy-care houseplant, it does not tolerate cool temperatures. It can quickly die if exposed to several weeks of temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. It is best to move alocasia outdoors in the summer and bring it back indoors before temperatures drop.

    The alocasia plant is also a great choice for a terrarium or bog. Its large leaves and tall stalks can add height to a small aquarium. It also makes a stunning accent in an office lobby or living room. If you grow the alocasia outside in the summer, it can reach 10 feet or more when provided with adequate light and conditions.

    Best Soil

    Calathea orbifolia thrives in well-draining soil. It prefers a mix containing equal peat, perlite, and orchid bark. The peat retains moisture, while the perlite and orchid bark promote aeration. This prevents the soil from becoming waterlogged, reducing the risk of root rot. This mix will also help the plant absorb nutrients from the ground. Water the potting soil once weekly, testing it with your finger or a moisture meter. Only water the bottom if it is dry; otherwise, watering can cause fungus to develop in the roots. Use filtered or distilled water instead of tap water to reduce the likelihood of leaf spots caused by chemicals and minerals.

    Drooping leaves are a common sign that the soil needs to be watered. It is best to water the plants in the morning so the sun will not scorch the leaves.

    In addition to regular watering, calathea orbifolia requires high humidity levels to thrive. Humid areas such as kitchens or bathrooms are ideal for these plants, but if you live in a drier climate, you can increase the humidity in your home by using a humidifier or placing the plant on a pebble tray filled with water.

    In addition to regular watering, clothes should be fertilized monthly at half-strength with a balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer during its active growing season. Avoid fertilizing the calathea with a fertilizer that is too acidic or alkaline, as this can damage the foliage.

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